6 Natural Ways to Look + Feel Young

Very often people express their discomfort with their looks and the way they feel as they are aging. Folks complain of their skin sagging, age spots and grey hair to “new” body aches and a decrease in energy and/or stamina. Here’s the great news…Your body has the capacity to regenerate and heal in many more ways than you may know or think. That means that many of our symptoms don’t just have to be with us for the rest of our lives or chronic conditions can be slowed and sometimes halted.

Did you know that some people’s chronological age is different from their biological age (aka their physiological age). That means that the biology of your body can ‘test’ younger, functionally, than your actual years of life and vice versa. Sometimes, a 50 year old will function biologically as a 65 year old while a 75 year old can run circles around a 40 year old. Why is this? Many lifestyle factors are taken into consideration when measuring the biological age including diet, exercise and sleeping habits, to name a few. This can be shifted. If you’re ready to look and feel younger, read on for a few tips and tricks to help you get started!

6 Tips and Tricks to help you feel and stay younger no matter what your age.

  1. Keep Your Gut Healthy

    It is important that our body’s digestive system stays efficient and effective at breaking down our food. If the gut is not healthy or working the way we need it to, pretty much nothing else can be optimal either. Not breaking down your food well will create bloating, gas, a decrease in absorption of our nutrients and a back-up in the system. When toxic waste backs up, the first place we tend to see it, is our skin. Skin is the largest organ in the body and it is the quickest way for your body to try to detox. The first place we tend to feel it is our brains. We feel ‘brain fog’ and an inability to focus as well as we would like.

    Increase fermented foods like: kimchi, sauerkraut or kombucha tea as a way to integrate more probiotic-rich foods into your diet. Please don’t try to get probiotics from yogurt. It is a weak form of probiotic and you additionally end up eating an inflammatory food. Additionally, take at least 2 great digestive enzymes with EVERY meal and a daily probiotic/sporebiotic. Sporebiotic refurbishes the small and large intestine and gets rid of excessive amounts of yeast and bad bacterias. Our gut is our protection. At Be Optimal, we have a few favorite probiotic products such as Peakbiotic, RestorFlora or MegasporeBiotic. Note: Enzymes are different from probiotics and serve different purposes…you need both!

  2. Take Sugar and Inflammatory Foods Out of Your Diet

    This is a hard one because it is one of the most intense addictions one can have but it is of huge importance to create greater health. So many dis-eases, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even arthritis, can stem from sugar and its inflammatory effects. Additionally, it can take a toll on your skin.

    For a thriving body that ages with grace and glory, focus on eating a balanced diet filled with proteins, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats. Protein collagen powders and bone broth would be a great add-in as well. Stay away from breads, pastas, sweets, cheeses and trans-fats and your energy is sure to boost up!

  3. Learn How to Take Care of Your Skin

    Firstly, you need to find the right face soap for your skin and actually use it especially at night. Additionally, keeping your skin moisturized before it dries out, a serum to restore and build up collagen and wearing healthy SPF especially on your face, neck and chest when in the sun can keep you looking smooth and free of age spots.

    Learn from our in-house esthetician what products and practices are best for you and your skin! Schedule a facial with Jenny, she is amazing - You can learn more about her here.

  4. Keep Your Body Hydrated

    Your body is made up of 70-90% water. If you do not drink good quality water and with frequency, there is no way you can function at your best. This means careful with drinking too much booze and caffeine as they do dehydrate the system. They say it is best to drink water in the amount of half your body weight in ounces. Dehydration can make you appear dry, sallow and dull and can create symptoms of headaches, allergies and lethargy to name a few. Water. Water. Water. Drink up!

  5. Exercise - Both Your Body and Your Mind

    Be sure to find time to exercise your body at least 3x/week. There are so many benefits to physical exercise, when done healthfully. Increasing muscles help you stay strong, balanced and also helps with burning fat. It creates better circulation and releases happy hormones. We all feel and look better when we feel happy.

    As important as it is to keep the physical body healthy, it is equally important to keep your mind healthy. Meditation, relaxation as well as brain exercises are helpful in increasing focus, moods as well as keeping your memory fine-tuned. Try starting with 2-3 minutes of breathing and meditation every day. There are numerous Apps, such as: CHILL, Insight Timer and Calm that can help you do this. Additionally, try using your non-dominant hand to do things such as brushing your teeth and using the remote control to increase brain synapses. You might even consider learning another language. It is an incredible way to keep your brain firing, active and young in function!

  6. Get Chiropractic Kinesiology

    As a chiropractor, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the importance of getting adjusted and keeping a healthy nervous system. At Be Optimal, we get specific about the individual’s needs structurally, biochemically and emotionally supporting reduction in stress and overall wellness. Let’s get specific and keep you young! Contact us for a consultation with one of our doctors today!

P.S. If you’re a smoker, quit. Anti-Aging is just one more reason to stop that nasty habit. On top of increasing your chances of lung cancer and heart disease, it also constricts blood vessel flow creating excessive wrinkles in the body and stains on your teeth. Who wants that when you’re choosing to look and feel vibrant + healthy?! Just Say’n :)

Many of these tips and tricks can be integrated into your life today! Call us so we can support you on the journey to staying and living YOUNG no matter what your age.

Cheers to Vibrant Health at EVERY age.

Dr. Cari J.