3 Ways to Balance the Adrenals + Stress Response

The adrenal glands play a big role in our hormonal balance and health in general, and more than ever, they are under a LOT of stress. The adrenal glands are hormonal glands which sit on top of the kidneys, and respond to stressors in our lives and environment. They secrete hormones such as: adrenaline, epinephrine, and adrenaline (among others) that put us into “fight or flight” mode. You know that feeling when you have to run across the street to avoid an oncoming car? That’s your adrenal system in action!

The adrenals are only meant to engage that way on a short-term basis. Unfortunately, due to our society, many of us are stuck in “fight or flight” mode all the time. We don’t have enough balance between work and rest, making our adrenal glands chronically fatigued. Some symptoms of adrenal fatigue can include:

  • Chronic faigue

  • Trouble losing weight

  • Anxiety + depression

  • Heart palpitations

  • Dizzyness upon standing

  • Reliance on caffeine

  • Poor immune function

  • Insomnia

  • GI issues

  • Inability to focus

  • Low blood pressure

  • Memory loss

  • ….and more!

Sound familiar? Check out 3 ways below to help balance your adrenals, today!


I know, it’s the last thing you want to hear but consuming caffeine when your adenals are struggling is like throwing gasoline on the fire. Opt for decaf or an herbal tea instead! Remove caffeine for 30 days, and see how you feel! Then you can always add it back in as a challenge to see if you tolerate it better or if you tend to feel better without.


Many times, my adrenal patients are also “adrenaline junkies”, as intense exercise gives you a false burst of energy - but in the end leaves you further depleted. If you love your high intensity workouts, but are feeling burned out, it’s time for a season of rest. Focus on gentle movements like: brisk walking, slow jogging, biking, and yoga. While you’re healing the adrenal glands, movement should be restorative in nature, instead of causing excess stress.


Typically for people with adrenal fatigue, stress relief and self care have fallen to the wayside. It’s so important that we spend time “recharging” our batteries and not just burning them out! Stress relief looks different for everyone, there’s no “right” way to do it! Take out your calendar, and carve out some “me time” weekly for yourself, now. Ideas may include things like:

  • Taking a nap

  • Going for a walk in nature

  • Reading a book for fun

  • Connecting with friends

  • A weekend away

  • Booking a massage

  • Taking a bath

I hope this blog leaves you with tips to help heal your adrenals, ASAP! It is a chronic problem that most people struggle with. If you’re looking for a more individualized approach and customized protocol, reach out to us today - and tune into our monthly health class where we will dive even deeper to adrenal fatigue.

In health,

Dr. Abby Kramer, DC